Monday, April 4, 2016

To Infinity....and what the hell...BEYOND

I do not claim to be the biggest anime fan around. I can appreciate the aesthetic when done well. That being said I really enjoy Infinity models. I played Ariadna back in the day as I picked a ton of them up in a trade. I moved on to Haqislam but with the release of the Operation Icestorm Boxed set and a trade I did Pan O and Nomads. I also did USAridana because I have no willpower and werewolves.

I love free models. I did a demo at Gencon one year and was given this figure. I wanted to attempt an arctic look.
Best part about Ariadna is being able to mess with various camo schemes

Nomad starter box. I am really not a fan of the colors or photograph
Who let the dogs out?

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