Saturday, August 13, 2016

I'm Baaaack!!!!

For the 5 of you who actually follow my blog, you are probably wondering where I disappeared to? I was not tossed in some South American Jail, abducted by aliens, or touring with Nickleback, I was adulating...hard.

Some of you know I recently got married back in April to a wonderful woman who I still can't believe does not smother me in my sleep (if you ask her I do that as my pillow slowly inches toward her face). We took the even bigger step of purchasing a home. I have gone from a cramped 2 bedrooms smelling of my neighbor's pot smoke to a 4 bedroom home. Even though there are two of us, she needs an office for her job, I wanted a studio, a bedroom for us to share, and finally a guest bedroom (or future child's room) as referred to as the "Chuck's done fucked up room and wifey is mad" room. The last few months have been spent packing, yard work, unpacking, and home improvement. I also waited to buy a computer not filled with viruses that will allow me to make videos and vlogs.

Please allow me to take you on a tour of my studio. This is where the magic happens (other than the bedroom, nudge, nudge, wink, that was corny). My painting area list by two Ot Lights, Photo Tent, and the new computer. Don't mind the rest of the waste. The paint caddy I have had for many years and I see no reason to replace it. The other paints will eventually be held in a nail polish holder once I order it.

Below are my cases for past projects, heroclix, RPG books, and random items of mass geekery. I have recently purchased two 2x4 tables to make a 4x4 so I can play Guildball and Warmachine as well as other mini games. I love my LGSs, but sometimes I just want to stay home and game.
I plan to post more frequently than in the past.
Thanks for your time.