Saturday, November 19, 2016

Back in IL

Hi all, I have been busy as of late spending over a week on the west coast during "the election." Suffice it to say California wants to become their own separate country and they can in my opinion.

I have no real theme to this post I just wanted to show off some models. Keep in touch I have something special planned.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

My thoughts on Pathfinder

Over the course of my blog I am going to start a new feature called "My thoughts about Pathfinder." I realize PF is a very popular system and millions of people are playing. Heck for a while it kicked the crap out of D&D in sales, but to me it was not my jam. This blog is my opinion, I know many of you are tied to the system and for someone to have an opinion that differs from yours is like calling your child ugly and tit punching your wife. Heck on a forum I had a guy threaten me, because I used the term "drinking the Pathfinder Koolaide."


I NEVER PLAYED 3.0/3.5 s great deal.

When these editions were big I did not really have a game group. I played heavily 2nd ed, but when I got to college I was the target of heavy bulling and there was no one in my area who played any sort of role playing. For my own safety I stopped admitting I played RPGS and hid most of those years. I did play some 40k, but that was the only gaming I did. I was in College when 3.0 came out and focusing on my teaching degree. In that time I was deep into my schooling and what free time I had was spent working on painting and 40k. I then had a blow up with a store owner and the store I moved to only did war gamming.  I was not yet traveling to conventions and the notion of Organized play was lost on me. I just did not realize something like that existed. The internet was still in its infancy so finding other gamers was difficult. You don't want to know my attempts of dating at this time...they are hilarious. You kind of have to take my own mindset in this time, I was dealing with heavy social anxiety issues and finding friends was difficult. I did not travel, and going farther than an hour from my own home filled me with the notion of a Trump Presidency...DREAD.  The next 3-4 years were spent working on my Masters, working, and dealing with a sick father. 3.5 was released in that time and I purchased the PHB on clearance from a store going out of sale. It seemed fun, but there was no one to play with.

My good friend Duane who I met in Grad School and would one day be my best man, was in an RPG group and asked if I wanted to join him. He is my best bud, but an issue I had was the other people we gamed with. They were all members of the same Church, in fact our Bard was his Pastor. They were all great, but honestly it felt like I was gaming with Ned Flanders.

I love to swear and say inappropriate things, but I have enough social graces to know who I can and cannot say things around. I left eventually due to my next complaint....complexity.