Thursday, March 24, 2016

John Colt

After that emotionally deep post I thought it would be fun to share one of my better paintjobs. Allow me to introduce John “Mutha-Fucking” Colt. Back in HS, I rolled up a Paladin, yes actually rolled one. Anyone who knows about 2E knows how hard that was. He was your typical “look at my shiny teeth “ Paladin, talking on the bad guys no matter the odds. At one time he even took on and out an entire army, it involved a staff of the magus.  Cut to 4E (yes I know many hate it, but it was my edition). I “rolled” one out. While that system was known for its heavy combat mechanics he did develop a personality over the years based in part on Gibs from NCIS. He was played in various cons and retired at Winter Fantasy 2014 at 21st lvl.