Hi there! I am Chuck, and I like to paint. This blog, which will be updated semi-weekly, will chronicle my adventures in gaming, painting, and being a human. I don’t expect to have a ton of followers; I will be surprised if my wife even follows this blog. I will try to keep this blog as family friendly as possible, but I might occasionally drop one of the 7 words you can’t say on TV, and I do paint the occasional scantily clad/nude female so there is that.
That being said, let me tell you about myself. I am married (well, at the writing of this first post, I am to be married in 3 weeks, and honestly we have spent too damn much, and are so super crazy about each other that there is no way it won’t happen) and have been in education for the past 16+ years in various capacities. Neither of which I will be discussing in-depth on this blog. Mostly because I find it unprofessional to discuss teaching/students in a public personal blog and as for my relationship, my wife is my editor, and she knows where she can find a gun. I have been painting for 20+ years first painting a Ral Partha model with Testors paint I bought from Venture.
I have entered various local competitions and once a entered Golden Demon (lost, and an entry I did for giggles almost took a bronze, I wish I would have put more time into it. I make no illusion to my abilities, I am not a Haley, Wapple, or a Lovejoy, but for the most part, my models look good on the battlefield/play mat. The worst critic of my figures is myself. Very rarely do I paint a figure I am proud of, but other people like my work, so that counts. After talking with various artists over the years , this is actually pretty par for the course.
I am a commission painter, not sure if “professional” is the right term, but I have sold on Ebay for many years- mostly to fund my hobby, pay for conventions, and prevent myself from being buried by tons of miniatures bought due to poor impulse control. I never intended for this hobby to be profitable or a job, but as I have been lucky over the years, and people have requested more of my work, I feel it is time to go in that direction. Plus, I am looking into buying a house and am lucky enough to have a supportive spouse who is encouraging me to do this (and I am not just typing that because she is reading and editing this post).
So what are you going to see in in this blog? How about Live Nude Girls? If I end up painting them for a client, then perhaps that could be seen, but my posts are going to be divided into a few categories: minis I paint for myself, Ebay, and other clients. Along the way, I am going to discuss my technique, muse, and what was going on in my head(I apologize in advance for that) as I painted them. Honestly, you are going to see a ton of dwarves. I love them as a race and I have played one in some form or another in every edition of D&D. That explains part of the title; the “Tiny Happy” is an homage to Bob Ross. Much like him, I find painting to be a calming activity, and it centers me before a long day as I do a huge chunk of my work in the mornings. I will try to document my work, but to be honest; a good chunk of my pictures will come from my cell phone camera and a crappy digital camera I use for Ebay. Someday, I would love to have my own professional set up. Ideally, I would love to do videos, but as you will see my methods might not allow for that.
So welcome to my blog, sit down, enjoy the show, and feel free to leave a comment or a critique.
I'm very proud to have many of Chuck's minis on my gaming table and on display. I started buying his minis on eBay and then was fortunate enough to have him do some commision work for me as well. It always amazes me how much life and personality he can breath into a little 28mm piece of pewter.