Sunday, April 24, 2016

Guld Ball

I have a confession to make. While I love painting, I am a pretty horrible gamer, that being said one thing I suck at even more is sports. So what would be a worse idea than me playing sports, but instead a sports based miniature game. Over the years I have tried to play sportsball games, painted numerous Bloodbowl armies, and even tried Mantic's Dreadball. Either no one was playing, not knowing the rules against very versed opponents were all barriers to play. Also I never liked the quality of the minis available they were either Restic in the case of Mantic or uninspired.    I introduce to you....GUILD BALL.

Apparently this game has been around for a while (year plus) and is a rugby like soccer game. Our LGS has picked up this game and it is selling like hotcakes.


The miniatures are metal and the sculpts are beautiful.
They do not look like a thing like a sports teams, I already had a guy buy my Fishermen for his RPG and has no intention to play the game.
You only need a few miniatures to play.
The FULL RULES are free on line.
The mechanics are pretty simple utilizing resource management ala Warmachine focus mechanics and buckets of dice looking for an amount of successes of the dice.
Models are very durable, it is impossible for a model to be "one shotted" as they can in Malifaux, 40k, X-wing, etc..."


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